How Property Owners Select a Quality Drinking Fountain Brand


The tactics that property owners use to pick out a drinking fountain are not always consistent. With the need to stay hydrated and add an item that delivers more value to the location, it makes sense to acquire these designs. 

The challenge is picking the top brand from the other candidates. The good news is that there are particular features that prove to be effective.

Consider Fountain Position 

Ideally property owners would reflect on the position of the home that they would like to introduce a drinking fountain. Given their qualities and durability, they are ideal additions across interior or exterior locations. From the kitchen to the outdoor patio, the courtyard or gym room, there are seemingly endless options available to community members. However, with a range of styles sold to clients, it is helpful to consider where these goods will be placed before taking the next step. 

Examine Item Options & Formats 

What will shape the decision of the drinking fountain may ultimately be the nature of the designs themselves. In this market, families will find floor standing, wall mounted, indoor and outdoor models respectively. There may be outlets that happen to customise units with various free-standing or benchtop models as well depending on the manufacturer and what participants are really looking for. The more options that interested parties come across, the easier it will be to pinpoint the right bubbler for their property needs. 

Assessing Property Plumbing Infrastructure 

Homeowners who want to invest in a quality bubbler utility to stay hydrated will need to consider how the drain will be applied and how the connection to a drainage system will operate. This may limit what residents feel as though they can achieve with these designs and where they will be placed, but there will be scope for a professional plumber to add features and open up pathways for greater levels of access. Rather than make assumptions about these investments, it is beneficial to talk to representatives about potential drainage updates that might have to take preference before the model is introduced. 

Reviewing Prices & Fees 

From the miniature $300 drinking fountain designs to the grand $3,000 brands and beyond, there are large discrepancies in financial figures between the affordable and the premium. This is where property owners will be strategic about their choice, collecting a number of quotes from suppliers and filtering their online selections according to their price tag. Cheaper acquisitions are more likely to incur more repair costs and a lower lifespan, so that needs to be factored into the project. 

Customer Ratings & Recommendations 

The opinion of other property owners may influence what clients think about the best drinking fountain for them. Just like any other product or service, participants will login to their device and deliver a 5-star verdict with joining comments. This is before families hold conversations with neighbours, friends, family and colleagues to see what they installed and what they believe gives them the best bubbler experience at home. 

Warranty Protections 

Not every outlet that sells a drinking fountain will go above and beyond for their customers. The fine print on a warranty could be for a short period or for the long-term. The level of care and customer service is often reflected in the warranty and whether or not the business is willing to extend repairs and replacements. Take the time to review these details first. 


It is no simple task to pick out the best drinking fountain, but if property owners apply this diligence to their search, they will have the ideal candidate presented before them. See these models in-person if possible and gauge the water quality and the consistency of flow.